Many of today’s company boards are still unaware that today’s supply chains are no longer what they were 30 years ago. As a fellow of the AICD, I can educate and inform your board on how the game’s changed and provide valuable insight on how today’s corporates need to adapt their supply chains to thrive. Topics include: Supply Chain Strategy, Supply Chain Risk and Mitigation, Supply Chain Sustainability.
Our Supply Chains are facing very significant disruption in the near term. The forces and factors driving this are many and varied, however, the ease and increasing speed with which this will occur is enhanced by the development of new powerful, innovative technologies as they reach beyond early adopters to mainstream. Unfortunately, by that time, your customers and your supply chain will already be seriously under threat.
Speak with me now about how to ensure that your business is using the best fit for purpose technology possible so that your supply chain becomes a driver of value and a key driver of strategic competitive advantage.
Seeking an objective, fact based assessment of your Supply Chain? The facts about today’s new playing field can be hard pills to swallow. But if you want to know exactly where your company stands, fact based supply chain assessments are the place to start.Topics include: How do you compare to our industry wide data base of Supply Chain Assessments. SCA next steps.
We all aspire to a completely systemized supply chain where every process is mapped and well understood by all. The creation of reliable process maps whilst being a fundamental starting requirement for all supply chains, can be a tedious and time consuming exercise, using up hundreds of hours of employee and consultants time and costing may thousands of dollars. We offer white labelled process maps developed over many years, from our work with hundreds of clients, across many industries. Why not try these white labelled SC process maps for yourself as an innovative alternative to quickly develop a better understanding of your ‘SC current state’, and create an asset at the same time.